Trieste Città della Scienza


Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics - ICTP

Istituto internazionale di ricerca, formazione ed educazione

Where thoughts and ideas on the cutting edge of knowledge are shared amongst physics and mathematicians from around the world, through conferences workshops, education programmes and sabbatical opportunities, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, strives to ensure that scientists, no matter where they come from, can pursue their love of physics and mathematics. For more than 50 years, ICTP’s global aspect has benefitted thousands of scientists, making it one of the world’s most successful science projects. It is a prime example of how fundamental science can overcome national and cultural differences to make important contributions to peace and development.
ICTP is governed by UNESCO the IAEA and Italy, and is a UNESCO category 1 institute.


By bus on route 6 or 36, by train using trains that stop at the station of Miramare, by coach providing out-of-town service along the Strada Costiera, or by car.

Only visits booked in advance by local schools and associations; visits include presentations by researchers and/or visits to the SciFabLab at the Centre or its Marie Curie library, whose collections include about 70,000 printed books and over 3,000 electronic journals, about 200 of which are also on paper.

Monday – Friday: 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Only for local schools and associations (max 20 people)

DURATION: One hour

PRICE: Free admission